Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Some Random Thoughts...

Periodically I have a couple of non-sensical things I want to get off my chest that really don't lend themselves to elaboration. Here are a few below:

1) Remember that old trick question from grade school: Which weighs more—a pound of feathers or a pound of marbles? The answer was they both weigh the same, right? Because they both weigh a pound? I thought so. So then, tell me, why does a new Burger King commercial for its quarter-pounder tote it as bigger than McDonald’s quarter-pounder? Does that make any sense to anyone else?

2) Has anyone noticed that Bono is looking more and more like Robin Williams? Put some sunglasses on Robin and spend an hour or so shaving his body and you get Bono. Think about it.

3) I absolutely, positively cannot stand the fact that T-Mobile is a HUGE sponsor of Madison Square Garden, yet I have T-Mobile and I have NO RECEPTION INSIDE THE ARENA!!! How the hell does that make any sense whatsoever? Yea, great advertising, people at T-Mobile. I believe their chief marketing officer is a person named Sirini Gopalan. Feel free to complain, New Yorkers.

4) I’m sure not many of you even bother to go to the teller in the bank anymore. But I’m old school, and for deposits I always feel safer bringing my cash/checks to the counter. The problem is, have you ever noticed that there are NEVER any working pens at the bank? You go up to that counter with the deposit/withdrawal slips and there’s usually at least four of those pens tied to a string on the counter. Do any of them work? Of course they don’t! What the fuck?! Seriously, as the bank employee is busy every morning filling up those damn slips of paper, can’t they take one extra second and see if the pens work?

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